Parent Code of Conduct

As a Parent/Carer I will…

  • Ensure my athlete arrives on time to training, rehearsals, classes, and any events, shows, conventions, workshops and competitions,  “ready to go” at the time set for classes to start, and I understand the difference between “walking in the door” and being “ready to go”.

  • Make myself known to my athletes coach, ask for class updates and listen when a notice is being announced.

  • Contact the Head Coach, by email, if my athlete is going to be absent from a rehearsal or class. I understand that by missing more than 3 classes in a month with unauthorised absence may result in removal from any show or competition routine.

  • Not enter the training sessions unless given permission by the head coach.

  • Be polite, courteous and respectful to all the coaches and staff members of Obsidian Cheer and Dance.

  • Ensure my athlete attends class in appropriate dancewear as outlined in the uniform policy. Ensuring hair is neat and off face and no jewellery is worn.

  • Respect the dance studios, halls, and performance environments, keeping them neat and clean for the safety of others and myself and I will clean up after myself if any spillages are made.

  • Respect and care for all costumes, props and equipment.

  • Take responsibilities for my belongings.

  • Ensure I have informed my Coach when collecting a child and leaving a premise (including after training, events and competitions).

Payments and Fees:

  • Punctual payments - Invoices will be sent each term 2 weeks before the new term begins.

  • Term fees must be paid before your child attends their class.

  • Please email us with any issues regarding payment.

  • The full amount of term fees are due upfront before the term begins to secure your childs space in class.

  • No refunds or discounts will be given for any reason.

  • In the unlikely case that a class is cancelled (due to unforeseen circumstances) credit will be given in the form of; another class, and/ or taken off next terms fees


  • Messages sent to the coaches private numbers/ accounts will be ignored.

  • Athletes must not follow coaches on private social media accounts (unless above the age of 18) nor message coaches on private social media accounts.

  • All concerns, queries, and attendance notices must be emailed to

I understand: 

  • That if I gossip, write or otherwise communicate negatively about Obsidian Cheer and Dance in or outside of classes, rehearsals and/or competitions, this includes any area related to choreography, costumes, music, coaches, competition staff or other dancers - My athlete may be removed from choreography or worst case dismissed from the team.

  • That bullying/ cyber bullying is not tolerated at Obsidian Cheer and Dance and will result in immediate removal from a class/team or the company.

  • That I should not post competition team routines on social media without the permission of the Head Coach.

  • That I must inform my Coaches when leaving the premises of a class, event &/or competition.

Policies, Code of Conduct and Procedures:

  • All policies and procedures can be found on our website - these will be updated throughout the season. Notice of any updates will be emailed out to all parents.

  • Upon signing up to an Obsidian Team or class you are agreeing to follow and uphold our policies, procedures and code of conducts.

Further points to add for Athletes and Parents

  • Dancers/Cheerleaders are expected to attend classes regularly. Especially if on a Competition Team (90% attendance is expected). 

  • Dancers/ Cheerleaders must learn any missed choreography outside of class time and before the next class/rehearsal.

  • If a class has to be cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances such as weather or illness, a member of staff will alert students and parents through email and/or social media. In such cases, Obsidian Cheer and Dance will not reimburse the class fee but will roll it over to next term.

  • My coaches will make the final decision regarding my athletes ability to compete/perform in any discipline.

  • Dancers/Cheerleaders/Parents behaving inappropriately will be removed from the dance class/competition/performance. The appropriate services may be called in unlikely circumstances. Inappropriate behaviour includes the use of drugs and/or alcohol of any type at/on any Obsidian event, class or property.

  • If I ever need to ask a question or contact the coaches at Obsidian I can email the following; or contact the various social media accounts.

  • The coaches have private social media accounts that are not used for work purposes and should not be contacted in regards to any Obsidian queries or issues.

 Obsidian Cheer and Dance provide a fun, safe and enjoyable environment for all those involved within the club. To ensure that this is followed, we expect everyone involved in the club to follow our code of conduct.

  • You must respect everyone regardless of their age, gender, race, sexual orientation, religion, belief or disability.

  • We do not tolerate foul or abusive language or behaviour in class, on any of our sites or towards each other.

  • Everyone must respect the venue and all property including any equipment they use.

  • No Smoking, or vaping at any of the premises where Obsidian Cheer and Dance hold classes.

  • No violent or illegal acts are allowed at any time.

  • You must never be under the influence of alcohol or drugs at any time when involved with the club.

  • You must attend all sessions and events promptly and on time.

  • All competitive members must attend all sessions unless a coach is notified of an absence.

  • You must always show sportsmanlike behaviour.

  • You must keep morale up at all times.

  • You must ensure a professional appearance.

  • Monthly fees for classes must be paid in advance

If at any time a parent or child is showing any of these negative behaviours, we have every right to remove that child or parent from taking part in classes at Obsidian Cheer and Dance. A first warning will be issued prior, and if changes have not been met, the child/parent will be asked to leave Obsidian for the foreseeable future. In extreme circumstances we may not give any prior notice. This is under the discretion of the Head Coaches and will be discussed with the owners of Obsidian Cheer and Dance.

Updated 27.07.24