How to: Policy

How to contact us:

The best way to contact us is by email. Our email address is:

You can also contact us on our website

or social media pages: Instagram @obsidian.cad Facebook: @obsidiancad.

Please make sure to keep us up-to-date with any changes to your email address or contact numbers.

How do we find your policies and procedures:

All policies and procedures can be found on our website. These are updated throughout the year.


How to report an absence?

Please email us as soon as you can to let us know that you or your athlete is unable to attend their class. 

How to purchase merchandise:

All of our Obsidian merchandise is available to purchase online from our website only here

How to book a taster session:

Please email us at to enquire about a class - if a space is available you will be sent the registration form and payment details

How to report an issue/child update:

Please speak to your athlete’s Coach at the start of your lesson in person. Or if you have any questions that can't wait until your athlete's class you can email us at:

How to attend a competition:

Our competitions are for comp teams only with the exception of the Winter Spectacular in-house competition for recreational athletes only.

Comp Teams: for competitions with a distance of less than 2 hours we ask that athletes make their own way to the venues. Car share is absolutely recommended or you're welcome to consider overnight stays where feasible. For Competitions further away (3+ hours), travel can be arranged by us either via car share or coach hire. Please note a small travel fee may be asked to cover costs if fundraisers don't already cover this. Each child must be accompanied by a parent or carer at all competitions and events. 1 adult = 5 kids.

You will always be given plenty of notice of the Date, time and place you've to arrive at.

How to gain certificates in class:

We give out certificates in every class and make sure everyone receives one a term. We look for the children who are focusing and engaging with their tasks, attempting or trying new things, supporting and encouraging others. We promote positive behaviours only. 

Stickers will also be given to children who have learned a new skill during their class or have done good listening. 

How to book a workshop

To book one of our workshops during the holidays you can book a space by emailing then once payment is received your child's space will be reserved.

How to pay for a taster session or invoice for your child:

We will send you an email with all the information for the account details to make payments for either taster session or invoices to our account. We send invoices either monthly or termly depending on whether you are in a competition team or do our recreational classes.

How to take part in Diamonds Masters Cheerleading (ages 18+)

To join our lovely masters cheerleading class all you need to do is email we will then send you a registration form for you to complete before you start. You can either come for a drop in session or you can pay termly, All fees must be paid before the class/Term starts.

How to contact us if you are lost or cannot find our location:

If for any reason you find yourself lost or are unable to find our locations, please Contact Co-Owner & Head Coach Harriet on 07585119031